Test Access to the Server ------------------------- - Open a new Web browser and access Good to, wait, **not go**. What happened? I added a rule, why didn’t this work? Let’s look at the logs again (**Security > Event Logs > Network > Firewall).** They basically look the same as before, lets look at the ordering of the rule we just created (**Security > Network Firewall > Active Rules change contex to route domain 0).** Take note the newly created rule has a counter value of 0, if we look at the order we can see the reject rule, which we added in the web_rule_list has incremented and appears to be matching the traffic before it reaches our new rule. **(Be sure to expand the Rule List to see the counts)** Let’s modify the rule order slightly to accomplish what we’re looking for. From within the Active Rules section simply drag the application_rule_list **ABOVE** the web_rule_list. Don’t forget to commit the changes. The new ordering should look something like the screen shot below: |image28| .. |image28| image:: /_static/class1/image29.png :width: 6.5in :height: 1.02778in